Obviously I asked Adam this question early on in our relationship and we talked about it for a long time. When I was drawing this comic, we spent another couple hours riffing off of each other with stupid hypotheticals which is obviously the basis to any hot relationship.
Back when I was single and on tinder, I would ask guys this question and this was one of elaborate answers I got once that I thought I would share (thanks Alberto):
I used to really enjoy asking people this question, outside of dates too, since it was such a great way to see how different people approach the question. This question may or may not have played a part in me breaking up with people in the past… Cause listen, if you can’t have some fun imagining what a world with potato people would be like, things aren’t going to work out between us.
Wow! You are very deep. I’m never going to get this scenario out of my head. Ever. Lol
This is brilliant! Everything potato all at once made me snort laugh. Googly eyed potatoes sitting at the edge of the world just...works.