As long as we own a book shop, we will never buy a book created with AI. As buyers we are as interested in the artist and their passion as much as we are about selling the end product. I am confident most Indy book shops feel the same. We can't get excited about a computer visiting our shop!!!

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I 100% agree! Human art is irreplaceable no matter how much they try to replace it. And there will always be people who value it greatly. In fact, maybe now with AI, more people will appreciate human made things!

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"watercolor can sense fear"

Hahahahaha! Very true.

I love this essay and you are absolutely right about everything. I too refuse to create artwork digitally. There are some who do it well, but they are in the minority. I love making things with paint and over the life of my art career, I have worked in a variety of media. You give me hope for the future and our ability to evade our robot overlords.

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art and creativity is part of what makes us humans. that can’t be replaced 🙏🏻

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With ya all the way! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and beautifully human work.

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I love this!! I don't think this is naive, I think it's human. AI can't and won't ever be able to replicate the human emotion involved in creativity.

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Jun 25Liked by Lian Cho

Reading this healed my soul and allayed all my fears??? <3<3<3

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I love this. And maybe not your intended outcome but it made me want to try watercolor—I loved your TED talk / rant /soapbox abt it

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I love this. If we paint fast enough, they'll never catch us!! lol.

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I love this to the nth degree.

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This is rad, Lian.

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I am against AI creating art. AI can support us in certain areas but not duplicate our creative process. AI has no soul, no heart, and does not create out of emotional motivation. This only includes human art.

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts on AI. I've been saddened by what I see happening with it, but your daring stance to it is refreshing. I'm going to remind myself of this every time the blues of AI darken my thoughts, thank you!!

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Your wonderful words sum up the exact way I feel about AI art (and others who think we think artists are the "elite" and need to be taken down a few pegs.) Like you said, every child does art, so artists know that everyone can be creative, but to be really good at it takes work and practice. Just like actors, athletes, lawyers, doctors, teachers, etc. – do people hate them? I don't think so, and some of them make a butt-load of money! I just don't get the hate. And if they knew how much a lot of us struggle to make ends meet, maybe they wouldn't.

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Had a lot of fun reading your blog! Let’s fight AI! 🤜🏽💥🤛🏽

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This is pure genius. I have more fears but I hope this text is right. And the line 'Watercolor, like bread dough, can sense fear' is on its own well worth reading the whole piece.

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