Jul 30Liked by Lian Cho

Every time I am mentioned in passing in this newsletter one year is added to my life

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LMAOOO you're going to live to 200 at this point

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The Sky-thes are gonna have to come get me

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Jul 30Liked by Lian Cho

I couldn't pronounce scythe either although it wasn't the c that caused me the issue. My fav book and I couldn't risk telling anyone about it.

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haha!! i still feel self conscious when i say it cause i'm worried i'm going to say it wrong!

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Jul 30·edited Jul 30Liked by Lian Cho

I cannot wait to read these. Also confession: I've been pronouncing it wrong in my head too haha. Your post just saved my life.

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omg... glad to hear i am not the only one!!!

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Okay, I keep hearing about Scythe, but this pushes it over the edge...gonna read it!

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yeaaa!!! it's definitely a fun read!! reads like a movie

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As soon as I saw your first recommendation I was gonna be like HAVE YOU READ SCYTHE!!! Hehehe man so good. Neil Shusterman is amazing. I'll have to read these others, they sound amazing!

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His other series are just as good too. I especially love the Skinjacker series. I think Everlost is the first?

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Ooh! I'll look it up!

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reading a word, becoming invested in your own personal pronunciation and not saying it out loud until years later is so relatable.

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I thought I was immune!! They didn't get me with segue... or facade... OR epitome!!! But damn.. they got me with scythe. I still pronounce it as sky-the in my head :(

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Oh! I absolutely love Saramago! Being Brazilian, I’ve read his books in Portuguese. I love when I can read a book in their original language and that’s why I wish learning every language was my superpower hehehe.

Anyway, you got me at the first book, so I’m curious to see your other recommendations! Although, dog suffering seems too much for me to bear.

Sorry you’ve read Blindness in the worst timing ever. I can’t imagine…

My recommendations, if you haven’t already read: “Nothing to See Here” by Kevin Wilson, “Down the Rabbit Hole” (Fiesta en la Madriguera, originally in Spanish) by Juan Pablo Villalobos and “Flowers for Algernon”, by Daniel Keyes.

I would love more recs, as well!

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I'm old enough to have actually used a scythe, so I knew how to pronounce it. Now I'm busy avoiding the guy in black who carries one.

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this is bullying!!! shut up!!! listen!!!!!!!!!! i never said i was smart okay!!!

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